How to Obtain Registration KeyBCA

How to Obtain Registration KeyBCA

Oh BCA internet banking, Not the way the registration ?.... If not follow these steps after registration and activation KlikBCA you may now use internet banking BCA for nonfinancial transactions only which is to see balance information and account information mutation. Just that! To be able to finance such transactions: Transfer funds, payments and purchases through KlikBCA, you must connect with KeyBCA.
KeyBCA kind of tool producing a random PIN that is always changing to include as one of the additional security of Internet Banking transactions via KlikBCA. KeyBCA only be used by a User ID that is connected with the KeyBCA. KeyBCA used for financial transactions

To get KeyBCA, the following steps:
1. Prepare BCA Passport Card / ATM BCA because you need a card number for registration
2. Log into the site KlikBCA in with login using your username and password KlikBCA
Select the menu "Administration - Registration KeyBCA"*
Enter Passport No.Kartu BCA / ATM used to register for internet banking at the ATM BCA*
Choose the BCA branch office locations for retrieval KeyBCA. Options are available only KCU aka general office* After waiting 10 working days to take your KeyBCA
3. You will be charged Rp KeyBCA administration. 10,000 (just once) are debited directly from your account.4. KeyBCA can be taken at the BCA branch office of your choice, after 10 (ten) working days starts when you register.5. When taking KeyBCA do not forget to bring the passbook, passport card BCA / BCA ATM, and ID cards
Already it can KeyBCA right?
Well after you get KeyBCA, the first step you should do is change your password KeyBCA. Initial password as given BCA in a sealed envelope to you, you must change it with your own password combination with a 6 digit number. BCA employees will guide you, you still have to do it yourself (choose 6 digit number and put it in KeyBCA) as a secret PIN of your own. BCA employees will not and should not ask for the PIN you created.
Next, you can waltz straight back into the home or office. But do not forget, you have to do the activation KeyBCA to connect to your BCA account so it can conduct financial transactions via KlikBCA.
Do the following:
1. KeyBCA Prepare your ATM card or passport and your BCA
2. Login to the site KlikBCA with your username and password and select the menu administration
3. After that click on the menu activation KeyBCA
4. You will be asked to enter some data such as serial number of your KeyBCA (there behind KeyBCA as many as 10 digits) and the ATM card number or your passport BCA
5. Once successful, you will find confirmation of successful activation page KeyBCA
6. KlikBCA you can now be used for financial transactions such as payments, purchases, and transfers with integrated security KeyBCA
7. Do not forget to remain always berhati2 transact on the Internet. Tip secure transactions can be found in earlier writings masanam Tips Safe Transactions with KlikBC

1 comment:

durga said...

Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!

How to register a branch office in India

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